
Archive for May, 2013

IMG_4963My first batch of blue butterflies never made it past the pupa stage.

I had berated myself for that. Had I watered them too much? Too little? Given them too much sun or not enough?

Or perhaps it was an overdose of TLC?

A friend had offered me a few Clerodendrum Ugandense cuttings. I googled and saw flowers shaped uncannily like butterflies with forewings, hindwings and antennae to boot! IMG_5283-tile

The cuttings grew but my joy was short-lived. Sadly, there were no butterflies for me.

It was a very long time before I was given another opportunity. This time, I potted the cuttings and left the rest to nature.

I’d almost forgotten about them until one day I saw a flash of blue where there used to be none. Was that the Clerodendrum Ugandense in bloom?

IMG_5017I ran to get a closer look; my first butterflies may be rooted to the pot, but my heart took flight. If not for my two left feet, I would have danced too.

The Clerodendrum Ugandense is proving to be fuss-free; it’s not bothered by pests or diseases, doesn’t seem to mind if it gets a little too wet or too dry, and it loves the sun and the heat.

The pretty flowers look deceptively delicate, but you can be sure that the plant is one tough cookie.


Care and propagation: Full sun; well drained soil, water moderately. Propagate using seed or cuttings.



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