
Archive for April, 2014

20140426_140753sWe were in for another electric tropical storm. The rain pounded away as the thunder and lightning continued their cacophonous medley.

IMG_5356sA couple of oceans away, it’s spring. Where, the rain drizzles lightly and where tulips and daffodils are the flavours of month. But nope, we’re not getting any of these gloriously coloured jaw-dropping floral carpets.

But there is a silver lining in our storm clouds; storm or rain lilies are popping up, even out of cracks – fluted pink and chalice-shaped yellow zephyranthes.




I prefer the bright yellow ones; splashes of unadulterated sunshine that come after a storm.

When not in bloom, however, the Zephyranthes Sulphurea is about as exciting as grass. The uninspiring straps of foliage blend right in with the green surrounds. But just when you have forgotten about its  existence, the plant awakens.

And that’s what’s appealing about it. Unlike the tulip which blooms like clockwork every year, you can never tell when the zephyranthes will spring its surprise.


Care and propagation: Full sun; garden soil, water moderately. Propagate using bulbs or seeds



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