
Archive for November, 2013

20130930_180811sI rarely buy a plant for its foliage, so it was quite out of character for me to get this.

The gardenia is known for its lovely waxy, ivory blooms and the Gardenia Jasminoides Variegata is no different.

Yet it was the green and ivory variegated leaves that caught my eye first; a gorgeous blend of greens and ivory; each leaf a unique monochromatic artwork.

Surprisingly, the plant was inexpensive.

The Gardenia Jasminoides Variegata has great potential as a focal plant, so I removed a waterlily tub in the centre of the garden and planted the gardenia in its place.


20131003_072412sThe gardenia grew for close to half a year before anything happened. In fact, I didn’t even know that the gardenia was budding and almost missed its first bloom until I saw a flash of white amidst the leaves.

And then I noticed swirls of buds; much like the top of a Cornetto ice cream. And like the ice cream, it was irresistible. I took multiple photos of the buds – I just couldn’t get enough of its unique swirls

If anyone asked me which has the x-factor, I’d say it’s a close fight between the variegated leaf and the bud.

But what about the flower? … I think in this case, it may just be a little outclassed.


Care and propagation – full sun; garden soil; water generously. Propagate using cuttings.





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